Coin dozer machine game
Coin dozer machine game

Coin pushing machines invoke the same emotion as gambling in that you could just be one coin away from starting a massive coin avalanche, or in the case of the video above, making a $5 bill drop in to the collection tray. When you take a game like a coin pusher machine and compact it down to the iPhone, quite a bit is lost in translation. All of the games work in a similar manner in that you start with an allotment of coins, you drop them in to the game, then you can either wait for your coins to recharge or you can buy more via an in-app purchase.


Each have their strengths and weaknesses, but they’re all free so you might as well just download them all if you’re remotely interested. While I’m sure there are more games with similar gameplay mechanics on the App Store, the big three seem to be Dungeon & Coin, Coin Push Frenzy, and Coin Dozer. Here is a video I found on YouTube of a real coin push machine in action: The goal of the game is to drop a quarter in to the machine, and when it gets pushed forward it pushes all the other coins in front of it forward, hopefully resulting in said coins falling to the collection tray below. Basically, a traditional coin pusher is a machine loaded with quarters or whatever tokens the arcade used with a mechanical “broom" that pushes back and forth at the back of the machine.

coin dozer machine game

If you were around for the arcade craze of the 80’s, you no doubt have seen a coin pusher at some point.

Coin dozer machine game